Saturday, January 6, 2018

So where are we currently...
and where does that leave us?

Screwed. Why? Because people and spirits don't give a shit anymore. They stopped caring because they stopped caring. Scars as great as that on the Original Creators experience before our creation. I feel that to scar the original creator is to scar us all but some don't believe in that sort of thing. It's all bullshit. That right there. I had an argument with some of the spirits around me about typing a certain word, in which has caused discord. Everything we do as beings these days are sometimes being critiqued, to the point of having to defend yourselves in afterlife litigation. Not just the physicals but the other dimensions as well. There is still war going on for christ sake, excuse my language. If possible not to harm Christ, sometimes I get the feeling that brimstone elements of spirits societies hurt those who piss them off, it is not my intention to psis anyone off and I don't think Christ wanted to piss anyone off either. I feel he was a spirit like all of us and touched many creating on the planet earth forever. Regardless of whether he is what they said he was or wasn't I feel that the belief in him and idol in which is created at the core is decent regardless of past difference/fights/arguments.
Side Note:(1stparagraph, 2:43 (1/6/2018): and I think that can be said about all of them, all of the prophets and gods.

Spirit/s:You know it's bullshit though Alex.

Alex: Why is it bullshit? It' s the first step in unifying as a species again, as a species of all that is. In order to move past our differences i the past and understand that we are all trying to survive and that yes there is decent throughout it in which we can use as building blocks and statues. That being the little things in life in which wasn't really little at all. 

Lampwick: It could be anything really.

Alex: Examine the ethical and moral events throughout our entire existence as physical beings on earth. Earth-based humans however long we have existed on this planet. From the genetic and physical components to the behavioral components, the energies and corresponding dimensions/areas and other factors that might be missing, look at all of this through the different lenses of how things have changed since the beginning. 

Lampwick: but it's more bullshit and you know it!
Pinnochio: Why? because we're going to be fine because there is no such thing as the....

Alex: Mass retrogression issue? I believe it exists to a certain degree. The mas retrogression issue pertains for me to those life-based systems, so I think of the light and the physical as an example but there might be a lot more dimensions with different parameters (IE: Water/food/shelter for certain physicals contrasting with the light beings needing certain kinds of karma)

Authority: The life-based systems are fine they do not need your help Alex that's what we say. 

Alex: Are the life-based systems fine though? 

Spirit/s: The continual advancement of immorality, the shrinking of morality, and the karmic gains and losses are not as bad as you previously estimated. 

Alex: I feel that the population of all that is currently, that it could be 10 - 45 % of the population that promotes immorality in one way or another and yes it may have been thought of to be more about those who promote more brimstones types of immorality.

Spirit/s:What were you talking about earlier in regards to?

Alex: Yes, thanks for bringing it back around, the spirit of cooperation and unity even in whichever degrees are able. Meaning it doesn't have to be kumbaya, but spirits/people can still look out for one another, that of earth religions, for example, being unified together tied by a planetary and dimensional bond

Spirit/s:Being somewhat grouped together or labeled something in which might not be especially when their are people and spirits who do not agree with that. Who do not feel that there is unification in regards to earths religion that there is a lot of brimstone that happens? 

Alex: Yes, but I also feel that there is both good and bad actions promoted in regards to religion. I do feel that there is still spiritual rivalries existing in regards to not only earth based religion but that of outer dimensional faiths. 

Spirit/s:Why ?\

Alex: Why What?

Spirit/s:Why won'tt you tell them.

Alex: I smoke weed. and I am sorry because there might be life located in not only weed but other plant life too. I am sorry

Spirit/s:He's going to smoke. 

Alex: I am advocating for those who I harm through the act of smoking weed to be protected, to make it as painless as possible and to protect those in which neeed help the most in regards to the action.

Alex: I am sorry

Spirit/s: yeah well
Spirit/s:You know it
Spirit/s:You know what you did. 

Alex: I feel to a certain extent I do. 

Spirit/s: You will pay. 

Alex: I am sorry. I am advocating for spirits not to incarnate into the things that I smoke or the things I eat. 

Spirit/s: eating as well
Spirit/s: You know it

Alex: Being that animals have souls potentially, the food industries, I support to a certain degree, a lot of people don't know and a lot of people support it but it is the death of animals which also clashes with me as well. The cutting of our grass, the insects in which a soul can inhabit I feel.\

Spirit/s: You are correct and when so many spirits/people need help especially coming from you I needed you not too. 

Alex: I do apologize for not being there. 

Spirit/s: Keep going. 

Alex: So music, I wish I could listen to music.

Spirit/s:you cant because you said you wouldn't

Alex: I said I wouldn't because I talk about something every other day usually for 2 hours these days. I talk about something in which I labeled the mass retrogression issue. I thought that it was located only within the light and that it might have been dire than it actually really is but I still feel we have problems in which are starting to destroy our species(Amendment: not necessarily talking the Human Race, but rather all of the species in all that is) whether it be of light beings in all that is or not, meaning wherever it ended and all of it. All of the other dimensions and other light counterparts in the other dimensions including the physical. Reasons you don't need to work against. what are the projections regarding this sessions bulletin board regarding the mass retrogression? 

Spirit/s:Sunny with lota Cloudy Rains. Pretty much fighting all day long, its never going to end because we never want to know about the mass retrogression issue at all. 

Alex: To me it encapsulates the immorality promotion increasing as time goes on to include a lot more population as time goes on. The will be nigh and if we don't be careful a lot nigher then we ever thought. Why?

Spirit/s: Yeah well

Alex: Because as time goes on if we continue to increase our immorality output and decrease our morality output then our personal karmic gains and losses take a hit, we start to change and our mentalities and perception of certain things potentially change. If we no longer like to hug people/spirits then the karma that was once gained from those moral actions are no longer being gained.(Amendment: ALso all the actions involved in it, the actual impact it had on everything connected in which is  no longer happening: contact, communication, relationships, emotion, existence, reality, how it made spirits feel potentially not impacting societies the way that action used too, but if too many of these things continue to disappear we will be in a world of hurt later on, winter is coming. If your personal karmic intake is not steady then trying to introduce immorality alternatives coupled with moral motivation, a look at past memories to remember what you are fighting for and whether it is worth the bloodshed.I am sorry, I don't mean to insult societies by saying that but I just want to make sure we are going to be ok specifically if there was always war going on in the background behind the scenes, I hope it wasn't and I am sorry for saying but I just wanted to get that off my chest.

Spirit/s: Is that all?
Spirit/s: yeah really we have nothing to say to your face man, 
Spirit/s: we hate you,
Spirit/s: that's not true.

Alex I want to listen to music No? Ok then. 

Spirit/s Nope

Alex:Ok then


Maybe we aren't screwed though. There is a lot of crazy ideas I want to pitch to the Realm/s to be able to talk about, to talk about industry, drugs, incarnation, racial, cultural, banners, faiths, Age, species, gender, personalities, mentalities, mindsets, beliefs, emotions, trust, gratitude, The original creator/s or lack of God, societies, dimensions, Love, Wars, Battle, Street, Life, Death and a great many other topics not mentioned.

I want to talk about a lot of different themes from a lot of different angles and lenses. Devils advocate approach if possible and I Want to connect with a lot of different spirit/s. I wanted to publish one of them as the retrogression discussions that I have been doing every other day and there is a reason why I did on this blog first because I felt like it was a bit of a controversial issue at times and I wanted to do it with the Lampwicks and the Pinnochios of the world, as well all the other/s.

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